Join us at the 25th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2024) in Munich!

Humana People to People is presenting and exhibiting at the 25th International AIDS Conference in Munich, Germany! The AIDS 2024 Conference is being held under the theme: "Put People First". We stand united with communities worldwide in building a future free of HIV and AIDS.

Empowering Communities to End AIDS

There will be no ending the AIDS epidemic without putting people first. The AIDS response has to be fast-tracked in key locations and populations. People in need must have full access to life-saving HIV treatment and prevention service. Our HIV programmes begin with people and not with the disease; we respond to how people live their lives. We believe that by empowering communities, we can create a foundation for individuals and families to make informed choices about their health, including HIV and AIDS prevention and treatment.

Our Impact in Action

For nearly 25 years, Humana People to People has championed community-led responses to HIV and AIDS. We work alongside public health facilities to:

  • Increase access to essential HIV medical support services: We bridge the gap by bringing HIV testing, prevention education, and treatment closer to the communities most in need.
  • Break down stigma: We foster open dialogue and understanding to create a supportive environment for people living with HIV.
  • Empower individuals: We provide communities with the knowledge and resources they need to take control of their health and well-being.

Since 2000, we've reached over 24.8 million people across 12 African and Asian countries, helping them live healthy and positive lives.

Our presence and speakers

Our Humana People to People exhibition will be on display in booth 211, Global Village from 22 - 26 July 2024.

Members of Humana People to People are sending their representatives some of whom are taking part in oral and poster presentations. Our high-level speakers and presenters will showcase our innovative and transformative contributions to UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets to end AIDS epidemic, and efforts to end TB in a series of engaging events.

We invite you to follow 5 of our members presentation on the dates below:

Dr Algy Cassamo Abdula
Technical Director, Local TB Response
ADPP Mozambique
DOTS PLUS: A promising approach to increasing adherence to tuberculosis, drug resistant tuberculosis and antiretroviral HIV treatment in Mozambique
25-07-2024 @12:00 - 13:00
Evaristo Waya
National Partnerships Manager
ADPP Angola
Creating the time and space for meaningful discussions o n HIV prevention and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) among adolescent girls and young women in Angola
25-07-2024 @12:00 - 13:00
Marie Lichtenberg
Executive Director of Global Partnerships
Planet Aid Inc.
United States of America
PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST: 24 years of implementing the Total Control of the Epidemic (TCE) model People at the heart of changing the course of the epidemic
24-07-2024 @12:00 - 13:00
Mr. Peter Chibatamoto
Projects Coordinator
Humana People to People Botswana
The relative popularity of three distinct models of differentiated service delivery (DSD) offered to ART clients in Botswana
24-07-2024 @12:00 - 13:00
Community HIV Index Testing: Acase for revitalizing Primary Health Care in improving uptake of Same Day/Fast- Track ART initiation of newly diagnosed PLHIV in Botswana
24-07-2024 @15:00 - 16:00
Room 13a/Channel 6

We will be ready to discuss, interact, network, and exchange notes as well as learn from others on success stories around fighting HIV/AIDS and TB.

Join Us in Munich

  • Visit our booth 211 in the Global Village/Schedule a Meeting: Meet our team, explore our initiatives, and learn how you can get involved in the fight against HIV and AIDS.
  • Media Inquiries: For media relations, please contact our press office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Discover our impact: Explore informative resources to learn more about our approach to HIV and AIDS

Together, we can achieve an AIDS-free future. Join Humana People to People in Munich!


Total Control of HIV the Epidemic (TCE)
Our impact across diverse countries
Total Control of TB
Our impact across diverse countries
Total Control of HIV the Epidemic (TCE)
A vision for eradicating HIV as a communicable disease
Total Control of TB
A vision for eradicating TB as a communicable disease