HUMANA Shares TVET School Good Practices Across Africa at CoVES International Conference in Morocco
Humana People to People (HUMANA) will participate in the Role of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVES) in VET in Africa International Conference, from 25th to 27th of June 2024 in Casablanca, Morocco. This forum, organized by the European Training Foundation (ETF) and ENABEL, will provide a platform for discussion and reflections on CoVEs policies and practices as well as facilitate exchange, networking and encourage transnational cooperation between training providers in Europe and sub-Saharan Africa.
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Humana People to People (HUMANA) will participate at the Reimagining Teachers and Teacher Education for Our Futures Conference, 17th to 20th of June 2024 in Helsinki, Finland.
There are two major global issues that are often seen to be at odds with each other; job creation, with its associated societal and economic benefits, and environmental sustainability.
Humana People to People advocates for a transformative approach that recognizes the unique needs and challenges faced by individuals in all their diversity, including women and girls who suffer the consequences of gender inequalities.
Having access to nutritious, adequate and affordable food should not be a privilege, it is a human right.