Read the latest stories and news about our work across the world


Read the latest stories and news about our work across the world


Calling for the Urgency to End Inequalities Affecting Girls Future 


Every year, 11th of October is International Day of the Girl Child. Girls need support at all levels to be hopeful for the future through the creation of supporting structures in the communities they come from. We rally behind this year’s theme: Girls’ vision for the future, calling for urgent action to redouble efforts towards supporting girls in overcoming gender inequalities driven by deep sitting societal issues. 

IMG 6050

“Despite recent progress, over 122 million girls remain out of school,” says UNESCO 2023 report. Supporting girls access to education has the potential to equip them with the ability to make their voices and ideas heard. Investing in education for women creates healthier communities and supports sustainable development. 

Traditional norms, early marriages, gender-based violence, fragility, climate change and gender inequality continue to hinder girls from thriving in spite of being courageous. Education is a powerful tool for change, girls need to have access to more opportunities in life. Investing in girls accelerates their chances to realize their full potential and to act towards the creation of a future in which they contribute equally in the society.

We believe in supporting a generation of girls that fight for change and challenges societal norms that spreads gender inequality. We bring people together to debate real life issues affecting girls, since women’s chances to thrive in life is dependent on the family and the wider community. Our programmes strive to create an enabling environment where every girl access improved health services, education and skills.

IMG 7220

We raise awareness to ensure girls voices are heard, we engage communities to take transformative actions of change by forming girl protection structures, provide free access to sexual reproductive health services, involve their male counterparts on respecting girls’ rights and form girls’ clubs for sharing their concerns together with their peers as well as club mentors.


Our education programmes prioritize giving girls access to education and supporting them to remain in school, be equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive. We inspire students, teachers and communities to change their mindsets to see education as a pathway to gender equality. We contribute to shaping a generation that values equality and promotes education as tool for sustainable development. 

In Malawi, our member Development Aid from People to People Malawi is operating the DREAMS Lola project bringing a lasting change in reducing the HIV risk among Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) in Chiradzulu and Blantyre districts. The participating girls and young women are organized, empowered and supported to play a leading role in the project from day one. At the same time people from the community are mobilized to create a favourable environment that reduces the girls’ risk of HIV infection. The project places the participating 23,000 AGYW at the center to enable girls to reduce their own risk and start to build new opportunities for themselves towards a better future.


Our member, ADPP Mozambique’s Go Girl the Future is Yours project, mobilizes vulnerable Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) in and out of school, living with HIV, with pregnancy, orphans and AGYW living as heads of household in how to take good care of their health. During the first half of 2024 the project engaged over 2,800 girls with messages, sexual reproductive health serves and financial support services. 

Another of our members, HPP India, mobilizes adolescent girls and women for anaemia testing and links anaemic girls and women with health services under the Women and Child Health Projects in India. The participants are provided with nutrition guidance to treat anaemia through raising awareness on the importance of early health-seeking behaviour to make informed health decisions. This year, the project has reached over 5, 000 adolescent girls with different services. 

We recognise the need to push for global solidarity to end barriers hindering gender equality at all levels in the society and the right time to act is now to prevent further damage that’s already impacting girls progress towards a positive future. Girls have the will, hope and strength to succeed but they need support. Collectively we should take action in supporting local communities in creating a conducive atmosphere that makes it possible for girls’ to unleash their potential.

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