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Read the latest stories and news about our work across the world


Frontline Institute Zimbabwe trains passionate community development leaders


Education remains an integral part of transforming Africa’s development landscape. The African Union’s Year of Education 2024 is placing education at the forefront of the policy agenda. Humana People to People acknowledges that transforming the African education systems to equip the current and future generations with 21st century skills is critical.




Humana People to People has been actively supporting access to quality education in sub-Saharan Africa for the more than 30 years. As part of contributing to supporting Africa’s development through education, Humana People to People has trained 47 000 professional and qualified primary school teachers in 6 African countries, more than 30 000 youth have acquired essential skills for sustainable livelihood across eight African countries.

As part of marking Africa Day, Humana People to People chose to focus on one of its flagship training institutions, Frontline Institute. Frontline Institute in Zimbabwe trains people who are passionate to engage in diverse community development work in Africa’s transformation. The school is the heart and soul of Humana People to People as it trains the next generation to take a leading role in influencing local community development paths.

We invite you to take 2 minutes of your time and watch a brief film about Frontline Institute Zimbabwe.

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