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Humana Secondhand Poland supports the homeless


Humana Poland

Access to shelter and a decent life is a human right. Homeless people living in major cities of Poland are in need of social support. Humana Secondhand Poland, an associate of Humana People to People, is helping people facing the crisis of homelessness through providing food and donating clothes.

Over 30,000 people are enduring the homeless crisis in Poland where the affected are living in extremely difficult conditions - without a roof over their heads, with difficult access to food, and no possibility of meeting basic hygiene standards. Humana Secondhand Poland cooperates with the social action “Zupa na Pietrynie” to improve the situation of people in the homelessness crisis living in Łódź, Poland.



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Cooperation of Humana Poland with "Zupa na Pietrynie"

Every week, “Zupa na Pietrynie” meets with about 300 homeless people. The homeless receive a hot meal, hot tea or coffee and some sandwiches. Everything is prepared in advance by volunteers who prepare the food for those in need.

The meetings have been held continuously for the past 4 years. So far, people in the homeless crisis have received 27,600 litres of soup, 69,000 sandwiches, 4,600 litres of tea and 48,000 loaves of bread at a combined 230 meetings.

At the meeting, the most important thing is the time spent together. Volunteers get to know people in crisis of homelessness and establish relationships with them. Humana Secondhand Poland promotes inclusivity, as many of the homeless people often endure social exclusion and marginalization.

For this reason, meetings create a space where everyone gains a sense of belonging and feels recognised. Volunteers have discovered a simple way to share not only a meal, but openness, a smile and embrace the homeless.

The whole action is based on volunteering. Every week, about 50 volunteers of different ages take part in the preparations and the meetings - both young children and the elderly, all taking part in helping, thus creating true social integration.


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Clothes for the most needy

Humana Secondhand Poland supports the activities of “Zupa na Pietrynie” by donating used clothes in good condition. For people living on the streets, the possibility of accessing clothes is not only a matter of comfort but also hygiene. Many people in need do not have the conditions to wash their clothes regularly, and they often get wet, dirty or damaged.

Help in the form of clothes is very important, especially in winter. People who are outside the facilities are then at high risk of hypothermia or even freezing. In cold temperatures, it happens that a thicker jacket can save someone's life, and gloves can save them from amputation. Clothing support is important not only in winter, but throughout the year.

Clothes collection of Humana Secondhand Poland

Humana Secondhand Poland conducts a permanent collection of used clothing, which, after proper sorting, goes to people in need. Clothes collection, done by Humana Secondhand Poland, provides clothes containers where members of the public are given a chance to donate used clothes, shoes and other household accessories.

Thanks to clothes collection, in accordance with the zero-waste principle, clothing gains a second life. The best quality clothes are returned to the market in an unchanged form, in Humana Secondhand Poland stores, and the profits from their sale are donated towards social welfare programmes in Poland including the global south.

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