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Read the latest stories and news about our work across the world


Time for Nature: World Environment Day 2020  



There is no better time to come together for the planet than now. The year 2020 is a year for urgency, ambition and action to get the world on track to a more sustainable future.


World Environment Day takes place every year on 5 June. Humana People to People is commemorating the World Environment Day 2020 at a time when there is need to take urgent action to combat climate change and its negative effects. The theme for the year 2020 is “Time for Nature.” This is a make or break year in which key international conferences and meetings will set the tone and agenda for environmental action in the decade ahead.

 Time for Nature: World Environment Day 2020   

Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as heat waves, droughts, floods and tropical cyclones, aggravating water management problems, reducing agricultural production and food security and increasing health risks.


Humana People to People is committed to support environment protection efforts by helping people and communities to mitigate and adapt to effects of climate change. Through our community based programmes, innovative initiatives are engaging people and communities to take action on critical environmental challenges. Communities and families are trained in low-cost technology, key in reduction of wood-fuel consumption. Small-scale farmers are trained in conservation and sustainable agriculture practices. Communities are informed and mobilized against rampant cutting down of trees.


Humana People to People’s environment conservation models seek to promote a balanced human-nature relationship. Farmers are organised around sustainable production and regenerative farming practices, finding common solutions to challenges they face, and developing sound ethical practice and solidarity in their communities, in symbiosis with the natural world.

 Time for Nature: World Environment Day 2020   

Access to water is key to improving agricultural sector in Africa, Asia and South America. Humana People to People’s Child Aid and Farmers’ Clubs programmes integrate activities seeking to increase water availability and conserving its usage. Horticulture productivity is supported all year round tapping on the low-cost technology of the rope-and-washer pump. With this technology at hand, families can improve family nutrition, access clean water and improve household hygiene using underground water.


The firewood saving stove is a popular concept among the small-scale farmers, the majority of whom rely on wood-fuel for household cooking chores. The stove reduces the amount of wood, required to provide energy for a standard family, by 30-40%. Furthermore, families and villages are organised to plant trees and establish orchards which are crucial in reforestation and support families with improved nutrition.

 Time for Nature: World Environment Day 2020   

Humana People to People India is working with farmers and communities to develop sound environmental practices that can help avoid further depletion of natural resources, and at the same time improve the quality of life. Within India, promotion, facilitation and installation of renewable energy sources is being implemented through biogas and solar energy projects. A biogas project in Dousa, Rajasthan State has built 690 plants since 2010.

Over the years, Humana People to People India has trained and equipped “solar women” entrepreneurs with economic skills in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh States. Additionally, solar mini grids and charging stations were set up in Rajasthan State. Currently, solar energy is being promoted through making sustainable microcredit and solar products available at village level.

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